Poetic Korean - Wear to cultivate inner beauty and strength

How to laugh in Korean. Easy! Part 1

Did you laugh today?
What type of laugh do you have?
I think I usually laugh hahaha. But when it's too funny, my hahaha turns into a silent mode.
Today, I would like to introduce some feel-good laughs in Korean.
까르르 Kka-rue-rue
꺄르르 Kkya-rue-rue

까르르 or 꺄르르 is used to describe the sound or the visual of babies, kids or girls bursting out laughing/shrieking with laughter.

(까르르 is the original form in the dictionary. But extra 르s at the end can be casually added.)
예문(Ye-mun: Example sentence)
엄마가 재채기하니까 아기가 까르르 웃기 시작했어요.
 Baby started laughing kka-rue-rue at Mom's sneezing.
You can turn 까르르 or 꺄르르 into verbs by adding 하다 or 대다 at the end.
까르르 is my favorite laughter because it's just a cute and happy word to me and makes me want to go 까르르르르, too. :D
Three different sounds of laughing that start with double ㄱ(ㄲ).
깔깔ㅣ껄껄ㅣ낄낄 (Adverb)
깔깔 (Kkal-kkal) :
sound or visual of uncontrollable burst of laughter
껄껄 (Kkul-kkul) :
sound or visual of deep and uncontrollable burst of laughter
낄낄 (Kkil-kkil) :
sound or visual of half-suppressed laughter/tittering/giggling
You can turn 깔깔ㅣ껄껄ㅣ낄낄 into verbs by adding 대다 or 걸리다 at the end.
깔깔대다(Kkal-kkal-dae-da) or 
I think 깔깔, 껄껄, 낄낄 are fake-proof and the sounds of double consonant(ㄲ) combined with ㄹ at the bottom make them sound funnier. 
흐뭇할 땐 Hue-mu-tal-ttaen :
When (you are) satisfied
후훗 Hu-hoot :
(adv) the sound of laughter/smile with satisfaction
To me, this 후훗(Hu-hoot) sounds the coolest among many other laughs.
I sometimes use this Hu-hoot laughter/smile as small self-praise when I accomplish something thinking to myself 'I knew it! I knew I would successfully complete this task. Great job!'.
Hu-hoot increases confidence and makes me enjoy those full-of-myself moments to the full.   후훗


Now, below laughs are, I think, understood by just about everyone regardless their mother language.
하하하하 Ha-ha-ha-ha
허허허허 Huh-huh-huh-huh
호호호호 Ho-ho-ho-ho
히히히히 Hee-hee-hee-hee 
히히(hee-hee): sound or visual of laughing playfully with satisfaction
Which one so far do you think is the closest to your laugh?
More laughs in Korean to come in Part 2... soon. :)
Thank you for reading!

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